Bollywood superstar Salman Khan renovated his residence and upgraded the security elements at his Galaxy Apartments in Mumbai’s Bandra. The security enhancement happened eight months after a shooting incident occurred outside his apartment. For those unaware, Khan has been receiving death threats from the Lawrence Bishnoi gang for his involvement in the killing of Blackbuck that happened in Rajasthan.
A video that went viral on the internet showed workers securing windows at the star’s home. According to a report by NDTV, the actor’s home is now protected by bulletproof windows, a modern security system, and high-resolution CCTV cameras that would spot any suspicious activity in the vicinity.
On Thursday, a paparazzi account shared a video showing visuals from Khan’s apartment balcony, which is now covered with blue bulletproof glass on all sides. As per the same report, Salman Khan resides in a 1 BHK flat on the ground floor, while his parents live on the first floor of the popular Galaxy Apartments.
Last April, two men riding a bike fired four shots at Khan’s home. Gangster Lawrence Bishnoi claimed responsibility for the firing and has a longstanding feud with the actor after conviction in the 1998 Blackbuck killing case. The Bishnoi community considers the blackbuck a scared animal, which has led to the anger.
Meanwhile, Salman Khan will be seen in the much-awaited film Sikandar in 2025, which also stars Rashmika Mandanna, Sathyaraj, Prateik Babbar, Kajal Aggarwal, and Sharman Joshi in key roles. The film is directed by AR Murugadoss.